
I’m not scared of you, your cause, or your religion. No body count you inflict, regardless of its location, significance, or size, will ever earn my support. Or my respect.

Lee Geiger

I posted the following on my Facebook page after learning about the truck attack in Nice, France.


Why Nice? Why Paris? Why Orlando? Why Jerusalem? Why Belgium? Why Istanbul? Why Bangladesh? Why Baghdad? Why Oklahoma City? Why Sandy Hook?

Why anywhere?

What is the purpose of committing mass murder? What possible message are you trying to send? How do you expect people to react?

Why children? Why women? Why anybody?

I’m angry. I’m pissed. I’m filled with hate. Is that the reaction you wanted? I doubt it.

I’m not scared of you, your cause, or your religion. No body count you inflict, regardless of its location, significance, or size, will ever earn my support. Or my respect.

When will fanatical terrorists learn that while their senseless and barbarous acts of pure evil may allow them to be heard, no one is bothering to listen? You kill, and die, for nothing.

You are not a martyr. You are a weak, pathetic coward. Just once I wish one of you could be captured alive, denying you a sacrificial death. I’d rather you spend decades alone, rotting inside a cage, sharing your days with rats.

The world will go on. Just like it always has. And you will be forgotten.

So why do it?


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